Are Online Mattress Companies As Good As People Think?

June 12, 2023 in Home & Garden - Micaela

Online mattresses have really taken off in the last couple of years. There are a lot of new companies that will send a mattress directly to the door in a big box, then you unroll it and leave it for a few days to air out before it’s ready to sleep on. They claim to use the latest in mattress technology to create a superior product that can’t be matched by a traditional mattress. That all sounds great, but are they really all they are cracked up to be? 

Although online mattresses can be good, there is still something to be said about going into a shop and buying one. If you are redesigning your bedroom or you are just upgrading your bed, here’s why you should consider doing things the old fashioned way and going to a shop1 instead of buying an online mattress. 

You Can Test It Out 

This is the most obvious benefit and it’s a big one. When you buy online, you can’t test the mattress before you decide whether you want it or not. The thing is, everybody is different and you need to find the right type of mattress for you in terms of firmness etc. When you visit bed retailers, you can browse a range of different mattresses including traditional spring and memory foam. You get the opportunity to try them all out so you can work out which is most comfortable for you. 

Most online mattress companies offer a grace period and you can get a refund if it isn’t right, but that’s a lot of hassle and you will be left without a mattress while you find a new one. 

You Get Better Customer Service 

Buying a mattress is so complicated these days. You have to decide between memory foam or spring, and then there are all sorts of different types within those categories. Hybrid mattresses that combine the two get even more complicated. It’s great to have somebody to talk you through the different types and help you make sense of it all, and that’s the kind of customer service you get when you buy in a shop. The sales assistants will ask you questions about your current mattress and how you like to sleep etc. so they can recommend a certain type to you. 

You Rely On Your Own Opinions

 Usually, when you buy anything online, it’s best to check the reviews. But that can be misleading when it comes to mattresses because everybody is different. It’s easy to be talked into buying a mattress because it has loads of 5-star reviews, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the right fit for you. When you go into a shop, you are taking advice from the salespeople but your final decision comes down to how the mattress feels when you lie on it. You’re relying on your own opinion instead of being swayed by customer reviews, so you are more likely to make the right choice. 

Shopping online is usually easier and cheaper but when it comes to mattresses, it might still be better to do things the old fashioned way. 


Micaela combines her love for all things digital and all things creative with a career in digital marketing alongside running three blogs. Micaela has been blogging since 2012 and loves sharing new experiences, products and her passions with her readers.

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