3 Budget-Friendly Home Renovation Tips

May 16, 2023 in Home & Garden - Micaela

There’s nothing worse than the fear of missing out. FOMO exists in all walks of life, including the home renovation world. No doubt you have spent many hours scrolling through Instagram or reading articles about people’s amazing renovation projects.

Unfortunately, you feel like they’re so far out of the budget that you can never copy them. Realistically, there are lots of ways to make changes to your home without hurting your finances. Let’s look at three budget-friendly home renovation tips to get started!

Don’t pay in full

Firstly, avoid paying for things all in one go. Yes, many renovation ideas are expensive, but they’re much easier to manage when you split your payments up. Consider you wanted to revamp your home with new windows and doors.

This could set you back thousands of pounds, which is a lot of money to depart with right away. Instead, you can find interest free windows & doors that let you split the payments over multiple months. Instantly, it’s much easier for you to work this into your budget as you know how much is coming out every month. So, you can enjoy a massive renovation without a massive hole in your purse. 

Make small changes that have a big impact

There are loads of tiny little changes you can make around your home that will have a huge impact on the interior design. For example, moving the furniture around in your living room. It is literally free to do, so it won’t hurt your budget, but it completely transforms the aesthetic.

If you do this without telling anyone, they will feel like they’ve walked into a new room. Other small yet mighty ideas include changing your curtains/blinds, playing around with the lighting or adding accessories to your furniture. 

Get your hands dirty

This is the ultimate budget-friendly tip as it can save a fortune but still let you take on some pretty big renovation projects. If you haven’t been able to deduce what this means, it’s basically the idea that you do the renovations yourself. Get your hands dirty and make a few DIY changes around your home. You’ll be surprised at what, a) you’d capable of when you watch a few online tutorials, and b) how many changes you can make to your home.

A really good example is painting a room a different colour. You can pay for the tools and paint, then do it all in your spare time. It dramatically changes how the room looks and feels, but it’s a fraction of the cost of hiring a painter to do it. 

The moral of the story is that you don’t have to be stinking rich to switch up your interior or exterior. Granted, many home renovation projects that you want to pursue are expensive.

However, you can make them more affordable if you split the payment up – but also if you do some of the work yourself. If you’re really eager to save as much money as possible, consider the second point and make small/cheap changes that have a huge impact on your home.


Micaela combines her love for all things digital and all things creative with a career in digital marketing alongside running three blogs. Micaela has been blogging since 2012 and loves sharing new experiences, products and her passions with her readers.

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