4 Amazing Benefits of A Social Media Detox

May 22, 2022 in Tech - Micaela

The number of social media users is continuing to rise. While people typically spend at least one hour and 40 minutes a day looking at their favourite social media sites and applications, the true figure is most likely significantly higher. This illustrates how much time people waste when there are so many enjoyable things to do in the world.

Spending so much time on social media can end up becoming an unhealthy habit, and people frequently notice they reach for their phone unconsciously whether they want to check it or not. This is why everyone should consider a social media detox every so often.

How you break this cycle is up to you, be it deleting Instagram following these instructions; https://backlightblog.com/delete-deactivate-instagram. Or committing to not opening the apps for your specified time period.

Try a day, then move it up to two days and so on. Let’s look at the benefits of enforcing a social media detox on yourself.

Improve Your Mood

Studies show that the more time spent on social media, the greater the risk of depression.  Also, how much time you spend on these sites directly affects how stressed or happy you feel.

In other words, if you’ve been feeling anxious, agitated, or sad, now’s the time to unplug. It may seem strange at first, but avoiding Facebook, Twitter, and other social media should boost your attitude.

Improve Real-World Connections

Do you connect well online but not in person? While this can be perfect for introverts, we all need human interactions at some point.

Frequent users of social networking sites report feeling lonely offline. 

The good news is that even if you’re an introvert who avoids face-to-face contact, stepping out in public can improve your mood. If you prefer to be alone, go to your favourite park or restaurant or take in a movie or a concert.

Breaking The Comparison Cycle

Scientists have observed that most social media users end up comparing themselves to their friends’ lives. The issue is that it might negatively damage your self-esteem.

If everyone around you is getting married and having kids, but you are still single, you could feel isolated and lonely. This can cause severe depression in certain people. Break this harmful pattern by disconnecting from social media and reconnecting with your amazing life.

You Can Live in the Moment

Do you live your life on Facebook and broadcast everything you do? Some people have even updated their Facebook and Twitter accounts right after getting married or even giving birth!

This is a viable approach to document your life, but it can also become a burden. Your experiences will be less memorable if you live everything through the prism of social media rather than genuinely interacting with it.

Social detoxing can be hard at first, but the mental and physical health benefits of putting your phone down and engaging in other areas of your life can be a massive mood and confidence booster all around. 


Micaela combines her love for all things digital and all things creative with a career in digital marketing alongside running three blogs. Micaela has been blogging since 2012 and loves sharing new experiences, products and her passions with her readers.

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