5 Reasons A Home Improvement Could Improve Your Life

July 13, 2023 in Home & Garden - Micaela

If you haven’t put due thought and consideration into a home improvement recently, then we have some reasons as to why you might.

Sure, there’s the expected stress and expense that comes with any type of renovation or remodelling project, but with careful planning and Evolution Money’s homeowner loans, you should be able to lift any pressures you might feel. And besides, if you can improve your life with home improvement, then you might consider any burdens you have to face as a consequence worth it!

Here then are just a few of the reasons why you might want to consider a home improvement.

You can move out of your home

While we will be looking at some of the benefits of home improvements with the thought of you actually staying within your property, know that if you have ever wanted to move into a new property, a few changes to your current home might increase the resale value. This will give you the opportunity to move into a house that you might otherwise have struggled to afford, and it should give you the means to move out of your home sooner, as your house might be snapped quickly if it catches the eye of any home buyers.

To add value, there are a number of things you could do. You might want to create a new room, for example, so you could convert the basement or the loft into a space better fit for purpose. You might want to extend the kitchen, as in general, larger kitchen space is much-sought after by some home buyers. And taking steps to freshen up your property, perhaps by replacing anything that is old and worn, and adding decor that is more modern and appealing, will also add value to your property. There are more value-adding tips at Homebuilding, so take a look at their suggestions.

You can avoid the stress of moving home

And as a flipside to the above, this is another excellent reason to consider a home improvement project. If you need a bigger home, perhaps because you have new family members to consider, you might want to convert your loft into bedroom space to create an extra bedroom.

You might also want to create extra accommodation by converting your garage space; perfect for older teenagers in need of their own space, or if you have elderly parents needing to live with you. There are other reasons below, each one of which will alleviate the need for you to deal with the stress of moving, so consider our suggestions. After all, if you don’t have to endure the stress of a house move, then it makes perfect sense to avoid that dreaded prospect.

Extra rooms might give your home greater functionality. How about a home office?

Do you work from home? Then why not create the ideal home office. Are you sick and tired of your children’s toys littering up your living room? Then why not give them their very own playroom. Is there a regular queue at your bathroom each morning? Then why not create an extra bathroom, perhaps en-suite if you can renovate your bedroom.

Are you tired of trailing to the gym each week? Then why not create a home gym, perhaps within your basement space. These are just some of the ways you can add greater functionality to your home, but think about the needs of you and your family. If you have unused space, or if you have room to build an extra room or extension to your property, then create a room that will add more value to the life of you and your family.

You can save the world and save money

Okay, so ‘saving the world’ might be a task too big for you to take on in its entirety, but you can still do your bit by installing energy-efficient additions in your home. As examples, you might want to add double-glazed windows, as well as new doors to your property if your home is decidedly chilly of an evening.

You could add insulation to your attic, as well as underfloor heating to add more warmth to your home without the need to turn your heating up to the max each night. And you might want to think smart about your home improvements too, perhaps with the installation of smart lighting and a smart thermostat to give you greater control of the energy your home uses.

These energy-efficient ideas are good for the environment, beneficial to your family’s health, and perfect for reducing your utility bills each month. And going back to our first point on this list, if you ever did want to sell your home, know that money saving and energy-efficiency rate highly in the minds of today’s home buyers.

You might feel better about inviting your friends over

Are you embarrassed to invite your friends over because of the clutter that permanently invades your living space? If so, renovate your home with more storage options, so your home becomes less of an eyesore and health and safety risk.

Talking of eyesores, if you have been embarrassed to invite your friends over because your home decor is a little on the dated or ugly side, then you might want to refresh your home with a makeover that is in line with modern trends. You might also make more space for your friends in your home. How about the addition of a conservatory? What about an extended living room? How about the addition of a room fit for entertaining, perhaps with a bar and space for games or dancing?

You love your friends, so if you haven’t been able to invite them over, for whatever reason, a few home improvements might just improve your social life.


So, could a home improvement improve your life? If any of the suggestions within this article have appealed to you, then the answer is a very definite YES!! Have a think then, and whether you commit to a home improvement project this year or sometime down the line, start to plan what could be the very thing you, your family,  and your home needs.


Micaela combines her love for all things digital and all things creative with a career in digital marketing alongside running three blogs. Micaela has been blogging since 2012 and loves sharing new experiences, products and her passions with her readers.

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